Gleeming is a great track and actually one of my first beats that I made that got radio airplay and video airplay. My name is Oscar Sanchez but my producer name is Affluent Oscar Sanchez. I grew up in this industry working as an A&R. One of the most important factors about being an elite…
The behind the scenes…
Music is a journey of the soul. We tap into our energy every time we choose to listen to music as well. Want to get pumped we play survivor “eye of the tiger”, want to feel like dancing old school music like Michael Jackson will likely get played to lift those spirits. Today when it…
The making of ALYST debut album HITS NOW QUESTIONS LATER has been in effect full blast. When you hear the term “we are focused” in todays era I think of the team that was put together to create the visions and the body for this album. When me and ALYST came together we both mutually…